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Advice and Tip
Tuesday, 09/09/2014, 11:26
Totally Crazy for Half Painted Rooms
There is a trend on the rise that will solve all your problems. Away with a full wall of color! Say hello to half painted rooms!
1. Forgo the Perfect Line.
Put away that painters tape and just let your artistic eyes flow. A soft edge in a half painted room can give a very eclectic easygoing feel. It can also distract if you’re pictures aren’t perfectly straight.
2. Soften The Black Accent Wall.
Black accent walls in the kitchen are definitely a thing. They’re chic and bold, not to mention daring. But it can be intimidating to add a whole wall of black to any room! Soften the look with painting half the wall, instead of the whole thing.
3. Bright Colors for Kids.
Any child’s space should be bright and happy, right? Choose a bright color and half paint those walls to help increase the good vibes.
4. Color Block It.
Maybe you can’t decide on the color you’d like to paint your room. That’s okay! Decide which one’s compliment most and half paint one wall up against a completely painted wall. Instant color block cool-ness.
5. Include the Door.
For a look of continuity, don’t stop painting your half painted wall at the door. Paint over it for a seamless line of color.
6. Almost Completely Painted.
To give your home the illusion of higher ceilings (or give your guests the illusion of some major molding), paint those walls almost to the ceiling… but not quite.
7. Follow The Line.
When arranging art work on your half painted wall, sometimes following the line helps to create a real focal point. You give the art and whatever is below the art their own personal space to shine.
8. Forget The Line.
Sometimes the gallery wall is just too big and you just have to go above and below and all over that half painted line. It’s okay to go over the line. Don’t be such a stickler!
9. Paint The Woodwork.
Imagine this. You’re painting along, loving your colors on your half painted wall when suddenly, you hit a cupboard. What do you do? Just keep right on painting. In fact, paint over anything that gets in your way! Except maybe your dog…
10. Use The Nursery.
Nurseries can be the perfect place for half painted walls. It allows you to add a bit of color without overwhelming you or baby.
11. Inverted Colors.
Who says the darker color has to be on the bottom? Go top heavy and bold by putting the lighter color below the darker one.
12. Replace Your Headboard.
Put away those thoughts of headboards and decals. Half painted walls are your new best friend when it comes to making a statement in the bedroom. Bonus for matching bedding.
13. Snazzy Up Your Border.
Is the straight line too cliche for you? Try taking your half painted border up and down a bit to create a zig zag effect on your wall.
14. Roughin’ and Toughin’ It.
Your garage and basement deserve some color too! Go bright and sassy and half paint those unfinished concrete walls. It’ll make you smile every single time you see it.
15. Tiled Instead of Painted.
Did you know that you can create the half painted wall effect without using paint at all? Find a prettily colored tile and use it halfway up the walls for permanence and class.
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